Report Hazing
Any form of hazing is dangerous and illegal! Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma strictly prohibits hazing in any fashion. To eliminate the risk to Membership Candidates and to the Fraternity itself, we strongly request the personal involvement of all Brothers to report any suspected hazing activities. Should you know of or suspect activities by any chapter that could be construed as hazing the following information is for you!
If you wish to speak directly to someone now, please call 405-372-2333 to speak with a member of the National Headquarters Staff. Keep in mind, our office is open from 8:00am to 5:00pm CENTRAL time, but you are welcome to leave a message at any time. Your identity will be kept confidential. We don't need your name, we just need your information.
Hazing is detrimental to the welfare of the Fraternity and Sorority; therefore, all reports are taken seriously and are followed up on by the appropriate officials.
Kappa Kappa Psi has created a simple form for you to provide as much information as possible.
Click this link to report to the Tau Beta Sigma form with as much information as possible.
We will look into any report alleging hazing activities, even if we do not have the name of the individual who provides us with the information. However, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to verify a report of hazing without some form of contact with the individual(s) reporting the incident(s). For those reasons, we do request you provide us with the following contact information. Again, we will keep your identity confidential at your request.