Headquarters Staff
Our National Headquarters staff is a dedicated group of individuals who each have a unique yet essential job to do for our organizations. Below, you'll find banners for each of our Headquarters Personnel with their picture, name and occupation. By clicking on their banner you'll see a short biography for the selected staff person which gives you more insight into their life.
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Steve Nelson, National Executive Director is new to the National Headquarters but has a long affiliation with Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma. Steve graduated from Oklahoma State in 1988 with a BS in Geology and an MS in Computing and Information Sciences. After careers in information technology and campus ministry, he recently served as a missionary teacher at the St. Fidelis College Seminary in Madang, Papua New Guinea. Born in Hobbs, New Mexico, Steve has lived most of his life in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but has also spent time in Chicago and Kansas City.
As a band musician, he played through high school, college and graduate school. At Oklahoma State, Steve was a member of the Cowboy Marching Band and the Symphonic Wind Ensemble. He was also chosen as a member of the New Mexico All-State Symphonic Band, the Young Tulsans, and several of National Intercollegiate Bands. Currently, he is a member of the Stillwater Community Band.
Steve was initiated into the Alpha Chapter of KKPsi and has served as both a national officer and a district governor. He holds honorary memberships in Tau Beta Sigma, the National Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Midwest District of Kappa Kappa Psi. Steve is also a recipient of the A. Frank Martin Award.
As the National Executive Director, Steve manages the business affairs of the Fraternity and Sorority and oversees the professional management of the organizations. He also insures that the National Headquarters provides the necessary services to the membership in a professional, timely manner. Other responsibilities include representing and promoting the Fraternity and Sorority at National Conventions and universities across the nation, maintaining direct contact with university band directors on Fraternity and Sorority issues, and serving as the meeting planner for all National Conventions and National Council Meetings.

Diana Spiva, National Headquarters Office Manager and Accountant, joined the staff in 2000 from the Payne County Treasurer’s Office, where she was the bookkeeper. The National Headquarters Office Manager and Accountant is the executive assistant to the National Executive Director. She assists the National Executive Director with supervising the Headquarters Staff and maintaining Stillwater Station. As the National Accountant, Di executes bookkeeping functions including payroll, payment of bills, preparation of monthly financial statements, the upkeep of all money market accounts (including scholarship funds), Alumni financial records, and all federal and state reports and tax payments. Di is the primary point of contact with the auditing firm for the annual audit. Her other responsibilities include working closely with National and District leaders to process Officer reimbursements and District requisitions, making National Convention disbursements, and acquiring tax ID account numbers from the IRS for new chapters. She and her husband Glenn, Stillwater’s former assistant fire chief, live on the family farm east of town. They have three sons, nine grandchildren and a great grandson. She cooks, sews, and plays the piano for her local church. Di is an Honorary Member of both National Chapters, an Honorary Member of the Alpha Chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma and an Honorary Member of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District.
Debbie Morris, National Membership Services Coordinator, is on her second tour-of-duty with National Headquarters. The Membership Services Coordinator maintains data base records for all members as well as National and District Officers and Honorary Members. Debbie is responsible for accounts receivable (dues, fees, proceeds from supply sales, etc.), and creates the midyear and final year Chapter Status Reports and District Allocation report. She prepares and produces all membership cards, shingles and distributes member pins. She came back after a three year hiatus of being a stay-at-home, mow the yard, tend the animals - wife, mother and grandmother. She originally started work in January 2001. She and her husband, Mark live on a farm. She has two daughters, Stacy and Jody, and two grandchildren and a granddog and several other animals an the Morris Farm.
TJ Tooley, National Chapter and Colony Education Coordinator, is a 2015 graduate of the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where he graduated with his B.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice. TJ was a member of the UNO “Marching Mavericks” for five seasons, and a member of “The Herd” entertainment drum line. He was initiated into the Kappa Iota Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi in spring of 2013, was a chapter officer two consecutive years, and became a life member of Kappa Kappa Psi in the fall of 2016. TJ joined the headquarters staff in January of 2017. As the Chapter and Colony Education Coordinator some of his responsibilities include chapter correspondence, reviewing chapter constitutions and MEP’s, and working with chapters on disciplinary status. TJ works with the National Vice President of Colonization and Membership for both the fraternity and sorority to coordinate colonies and national programs.

Aaron Moore, National Alumni Historical and Development Coordinator, is a 1998/2004 graduate of Northeastern State University, where he earned Bachelor’s Degrees in History Education and Telecommunications Management. During his time at NSU, Aaron was a member of the NSU Jazz Ensembles. He was initiated into the Alpha Rho chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi in the spring of 1999. As HQAHDC , Aaron helps prepare all paperwork regarding chapters and colonies for the National Executive Director. The HQAHDC is responsible for all data entry of Alumni records, maintains circulation databases, and oversees the historical documents held in National HQ and works on their preservation. Other responsibilities include coordinating mail-outs, ordering of awards, and handling all general Headquarters e-mail. In addition to being a Life Member of the Alpha Rho Chapter, Aaron is also an honorary member of the Alpha Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, the Southwest Districts of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma and the National chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. Aaron completed a Masters Degree in Public/Applied History with an emphasis in Museum Studies at Oklahoma State University in 2010.
Robert Bratcher, National Publications Manager and Multimedia Designer is a 2007 graduate of North Carolina A&T State University. While at North Carolina A&T, Robert was a member of the Blue & Gold Marching Machine, the Aggie Pep Band, and the Concert Band. He is a Spring 2003 initiate of the Iota Zeta chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and an honorary member of the National Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. He joined the Headquarters staff in 2013 and is the editor and designer of the Podium, the Podium Online, NewsNotes Online and all other books, articles, and advertisements for publications. Serving as the webmaster, Robert is in charge of general upkeep and design/redesign of all websites related to the Fraternity and Sorority.
Justin Jensen, Kappa Kappa Psi National Chapter Field Representative is a 2018 graduate of Bowling Green State University at Bowling Green, Ohio. He graduated with a B.A. in Film Production. Justin was a member of the Falcon Marching Band and the Athletic Band as a Sousaphone player. He was initiated in to the Beta Kappa chapter in the spring of 2014 and is a life member of the fraternity. As an active member, Justin held the positions of chapter parliamentarian and North Central District Vice President of programs. As a CFR, Justin spends much of his time during the school semesters on the road visiting with chapters across the country and facilitating discussions on how to improve chapters, as well as provide a connection to the National Leadership and Headquarters.
Nicole Brooks, Kappa Kappa Psi National Chapter Field Representative, is a 2014 graduate of the University of Central Florida where she earned a B.A. in History with a minor in Art History. In 2017, she earned a M.A. in Religious Studies from The American University of Rome. While at UCF, she was a member of the Marching Knights and Jammin’ Knights ensembles as a sousaphone player. Nicole was initiated into the Eta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi in November of 2011, where she served as Projects Co-Chair and Vice President. She is also a honorary member of the Zeta Psi chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at UCF. Nicole joined the Headquarters Staff in June of 2018. In her role as a CFR, she visits Kappa Kappa Psi chapters across the country, serving as a link between the active membership and the National Council and Headquarters.